Autor: Malin Hirt

The Power of a Daily Decluttering Habit

The idea of decluttering your entire home can feel overwhelming. But what if you didn’t have to do it all at once? By setting aside just five minutes a day, you can make significant progress over time. In this post, I’ll show you how small, consistent efforts can lead to big changes—and invite you to […]

«No»vember: Saying No to Stress, Yes to Peace

November is here, and the holiday season is just around the corner. It’s supposed to be a time filled with joy, warmth, and togetherness. But for many of us, the reality is often quite different—a hectic scramble of endless tasks, obligations, and holiday pressures. Between planning, shopping, family gatherings, and social obligations, the season can […]

From Overwhelmed to Organized!

Decluttering isn’t just about cleaning up your physical space—it’s a journey towards a more mindful, organized, and peaceful life. However, it´s a process that requires patience and realistic expectations. So, how do you actually achieve this? You can, of course, take a weekend off and go crazy with decluttering, sorting through all your belongings in […]

How to declutter before moving!

Moving to a new place is often exciting, but also exhausting when you start thinking about all the things you have to pack, then unpack and organize. Decluttering before moving can save you time, money, and energy by reducing the number of items you need to pack and transport. Here are some ideas to help […]

Ordna´s 10 Best Organizing Tips!

In this blog article I have gathered Ordna´s top 10 organizing tips, that hopefully will get you started to simplify your home and your everyday life! Declutter First Always start with decluttering. There´s no way around it. To organize clutter makes no sense at all. It doesn´t have to be complicated, just grab a trashbag […]

5 Simple Steps to Declutter Toys

Is your child’s room a bit chaotic? No worries, just follow these five easy steps to declutter toys! If they´re old enough, encourage your child to declutter with you. This helps them understand the importance of decluttering and organizing as well as taking responsibility for their belongings. Let´s get started! Step 1: Make it easy […]